Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Check Our Website!

Please check the teamrogo.com for NEW information regarding our class.  It will be on the HOMEPAGE not your individual class's page.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


If you are taking our AICE course next year, you need to go to teamrogo.com  for the summer reading calendar. Our two books are A Passage to India (for both grades); our soon-to-be juniors are also reading The Art of Racing in the Rain, while the soon-to-be seniors will also read Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.   Reading has already begun, so get on it!  LOVE YOU ALL!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Don't forget that tonight is a great night to earn some extra credit!  

For every person that you invite to Pizza Scene and also purchases a food item between the 3-9 p.m., you will receive extra credit!  The invitations are below.  If you plan to invite people who will not necessarily be going with you, give them the invitation and have them give it to RoGo when they arrive.  We will have our grade sheet with us!

All of the proceeds will benefit our class endeavors for next year!  

Monday, May 13, 2013


If we had you last year, and you still have your copy of We Are Witnesses, bring it in!  The first 20 to do it will earn EC.  Many of our sophomores have not purchased their books (though we've been asking them to for over a month), and we figured this might help our procrastinators.

In addition, bring in your jump drives tomorrow and Wednesday.  We have electronic copies of An Ideal Husband from the Project Gutenberg site! We'll be reading this short play for the next few weeks.  Yes, you can save a copy on your phone if you need to...though we would MUCH RATHER you have a paper copy since this play will be on your exam next year and will be revisited in the fall! 

FYI - There will be tutoring this Saturday for Paper 1 from 8:30 a.m. to noon in our room.

This paragraph is only for students who will be in our AICE English Lit class next year:
The two texts you selected in our Summer Reading online poll are: A Passage to India and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.   They will be tested in Paper 3 (poetry/prose) and Paper 4 (drama) in November.   The two books will cost $21 (about $10.50 per book).  If you want us to order them for you, please bring exact change by Thursday, 5/23, as we plan to order them that afternoon.   Again, you can purchase your own copies (or the electronic ones for Kindle, Nook or a tablet), but we strongly recommend PRINTED copies of the books.  Remember, these two works and your responses will be in lieu of the two summer novels and projects that the rest of the school will have to read and complete.  :)

Your RoGo Crew Chiefs

We Are Witnesses Reading Calendar

Remember that you need to annotate as you read.  Look for lit tools, tone, diction, and stylistic elements THEN LABEL THEM IN YOUR BOOK AND HOW THEY MAKE YOU FEEL. We love you!


Thursday, May 9, 2013


Periods 3 and 4:  Period 3 - Bring your We Are Witnesses (WAW) books tomorrow!  You will need it for your assignment tomorrow!  Period 4 - You need to read the introduction of WAW for Monday, and you should also bring in your books from now on until the end of the year.

Periods 2, 5, and 6: You will be writing your two essays from today's exam.  IT IS DUE FIRST PERIOD TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All those who turn it in by 9:20 a.m., you will not have HW until 5/19 or 5/20. So as not disturb our learning environment (we will be mock testing during first period tomorrow), we will leave our work drawers outside on the stool.  Just put your essays in your period's drawer.

Directions: We don't expect you to write your essays VERBATIM (hello, Fleitas); we're only asking that they be close...maybe even better samples than you wrote today (since it will go into your portfolio and will be used to teach our kids next year).  It should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.  Be sure to include the gist of the question at the top of each paper, so we know which prompt you addressed.  In addition, save these samples on your computer (that way, you won't have to type it over for your portfolio).

All Classes:  WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOUR ENTHUSIASM and EFFORT during the year and on your exams this week!  You are our champions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

THE GREAT GATSBY - Book Club Updates

Book Club participants,
         Remember, this week we will meet on Monday to discuss chapters 7 & 8 and again on Thursday to share our thoughts about the ending.    Our trip is planned for Friday, so please bring in your $12 between tomorrow and Wednesday so we can finalize our transportation.
         Please post a concise, yet detailed, analysis of the novel for each of the chapters listed below, as follows:
- If you've attended ALL of our lunch meetings, you only have to post an analysis for chapter 6.
- If you missed the last luncheon--when we discussed chapters 4, 5, and 6--post an analysis for each of those three chapters.
         The chapters are listed in separate posts below.  Post accordingly.  Make sure you include a claim, an example, and the "you" (the yellow, pink, and blue).  This well serve as added practice for your exam June 5th.
         Again, great job!  You have proven you can run with the big dogs.  The finish line is quickly approaching, and C-Rod and I know you are all going to win this race!

THE GREAT GATSBY - Chapter 4 Analyses

THE GREAT GATSBY - Chapter 5 Analyses

THE GREAT GATSBY - Chapter 6 Analyses

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Periods 1, 3, and 5

As promised, here is the make-up assignment for those of you who missed today's classes:

First of all, many of you failed to submit your homework today.  Whether you were on a FT, or you were in class, it was due today.  As it states in our class rules (that you and your parents signed), you must turn in your HW before you go on any field trip.  With that said, if you did not email it or submit it through a classmate, it is LATE.   Third period had to submit a rewrite of the last essay written, and fifth period had to submit detailed notes of a selected item for the descriptive essay.

Periods 3 & 5: If you missed due to Take Your Child to Work Day, you will write a narrative piece detailing what you did with your parent today.   It should take no more than 1.5 hours, the amount of time you missed from class today.  You will write a narrative of the events of today (from the time you arrived at your parent's place of employment to the time you arrived home) then comment on what you learned from this experience.  It does not have to be a literary masterpiece (an hour and a half would not allow for this), but it should have sound GPS!  It must not be shorter than three FULL pages and NO LONGER than five pages.  It must be typed in 12-pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around.  Your name, date, and period should be on a cover page; do NOT include it on any of the other pages.  The cover page does NOT apply to your page count.  Be sure your mom or dad signs the last page of your essay to verify your presence at their job today. We're excited to hear about your day with your parents; what a wonderful learning experience for you.

If you were out due to the class FT with Mr. Backs, you too have a make-up assignment (as expected).  Third period, come and see us in the morning before class starts (or in between classes) to get the prompts. We cannot provide these online (and could not in class Tuesday) because we're trying to create an AUTHENTIC Cambridge writing situation, and we don't want students to prepare for these essays in advance (since you won't be able to do that with your exam).  You will write the essay over the weekend then submit it Monday when you come to class.   You should NOT type it or use any resources such as a dictionary, the Internet, a friend, or a parent.  In addition, take NO MORE THAN one hour for your response, like a REAL Cambridge exam!   Fifth period, you will write your descriptive piece on that one item you selected.  Take no more than an hour, no typing or using any resources.  It's due Monday when you walk in the door for class.

Hope you all enjoyed your day off!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Periods 2 & 6

Remember that you need to read the post below this one as well...especially the part about The Great Gatsby!

Ok, now for your HW - You will write notes on ONE item on which you will later write a descriptive piece.  You will also need to take a picture of this item and save it on your phone.  Please do not share it with anyone (we want to see if your peers can guess your item based on your descriptive essay).  Your notes should be thorough (include as many sensory details as possible), as you may not have the chance to look at the picture of your item when you sit down to write the in-class essay.

Remember that we are building trust in you again, so be sure to get your HW done....

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Thank you to the SEVEN juniors who showed up for tutoring this morning.  I bought bagels for 26, but we only had SEVEN!  However, those SEVEN knocked my socks off with their writing!  I am VERY PROUD of Kellen, Ramsey, Jessica R., Jessica M., Tatyana, Angel P. (Mafisto...LOL!), and Brenda.  First, thank you for showing up - that's the hard part!  Secondly, thank you for giving a 100% in your writing...especially Kellen who brought me to tears!  You SEVEN made my weekend! 

We will have tutoring next weekend, but you will be playing the role of both student and teacher.  We will keep you posted.  What I can tell you now is, there will not be breakfast or extra credit next time around.

It has also come to our understanding that many of you did not remember about Friday's Great Gatsby meeting at lunch.  It's amazing that 75 signed up, but only 20 showed.  INTERESTING...MAYBE WE'RE HAVING A PARADIGM SHIFT HERE.  I can tell you that WE don't like it, and our focus will be on the ONES WHO CARE, WHO HAVE THEIR EYES ON THE FINISH LINE, AND WHO AREN'T LETTING OFF THE PEDAL!  Many of you have seem to have forgotten the whole "What Would Denny Do?" concept!

With that said, if you were one of the forgetful ones and still want in, you MUST show up to the next meeting on Tuesday and bring in a character analysis chart for Nick, Daisy, Tom, Ms. Wilson, Gatsby.   Column 1 - character name; column 2 - a couple terms you would use to describe the character; column 3 - the words or phrases Nick uses to describe these characters that confirm your choice(s) in column 2.  We will not accept a SINGLE EXCUSE from here on out.  You're not there, too bad...no field trip for you!

Have a great weekend...AND GET YOUR MINDS RIGHT.  If this is how it's going to be teaching seniors, we will pass you along to another teacher's care.  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. 

Friday, April 26, 2013


Juniors - If you want extra help on your writing, I will be at school at 8 a.m.  Meet me in our room by 8:30 PROMPTLY!  Plan on staying to 11:30 a.m.

See you then....

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reading Plus

Good News!!!!   No more Reading Plus if you have reached the required amount of sessions for the year!  Check your period below to see the required amount:

Period 2: 58 sessions; Period 3: 60 sessions; Period 4: 64 sessions; Period 5: 56 sessions; Period 6: 58 session

If you are one of the unfortunate ones who do not already have the amount indicated, you will continue to do Reading Plus until you reach that amount.  You have until Tuesday, May 28th to get caught up.  We are going to enter the amount you have right now in our gradebook, and we will update it again on 5/28.  Until then, it will remain at the number you currently have.  Once you reach the required amount, let us know so we can sign you out of the system.

We hope this alleviates your workload a little.  For those of you who slacked, remember that you can run, but you can NEVER hide.  Bwah-hahahahahaha!  LOL!

Love you!

Monday, April 22, 2013


It's PIZZA SCENE family night on Wednesday, April 24th from 3-9 p.m.

Meet me at the Pizza Scene on Main Street (by Cold Stone Creamery) during those hours for EXTRA CREDIT! Bring a friend or family member to eat dinner, too (more points)! Remember that 20% of all food and beverage sales is donated back to our school!

Many of you have also been experiencing some READING PLUS issues.  Here is what you do:   First, go through your student portal.  Once you do that (or if you've already been doing that), make sure to do another Requirement Check.  Java had YET ANOTHER update this past week, which might have also compromised some other aspects of computer requirements.  If you do sessions tonight, take pictures of the end...just in case.   We will call RP tomorrow, and we also consider discontinuing the program for the students who are up-to-date.  :)  It's idea we have to present to administration...so it's not official...but you can start praying now.  LOL!

Have a good night, all!  We do love you....

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Field Trip Assignment - REVISED

THANK YOU FOR A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE!  Not only was the art fascinating, but also watching our students' fascination and appreciation of it; THAT was the true gift!  Ms. Gonzalez and I are so blessed, and it makes all the planning and insanity of field trips SOOOO WORTH IT!   We truly hope you gleaned inspiration for your writing pieces, which we are really looking forward to reading!

If you have any pictures you want to share, please email them (or a link to your album) to rogoracing@gmail.com.  Try and do it by Sunday, so we can show them to our class Monday.

YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS SLIGHTLY REVISED (see the second paragraph for the change):  You will write about two pieces of art (ONE from the Frost and ONE from Wynwood).  Take notes on the pieces you choose. (You can use the bottom and back of this sheet; see us if you need more paper.)  Think about the following aspects and note it on this sheet: color, space, texture, perspective, the subjects and objects in the piece, the theme, the story it tells, the mood, the feelings it evokes, etc.   Let the art speak to you! (I know, sounds cheesy…but DO IT!)  Jot down ideas for your responses as well, and remember to write down the artist’s name and the piece’s name.   IF YOU DID NOT ATTEND THE FIELD TRIP, YOU CAN USE THE LINKS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST TO SEE SOME OF THE ART!


Both responses must be 600-900 words:
  1. Write a descriptive piece on the work of art of your choosing. In your writing create a sense of atmosphere, mood and place. 
  2. Write the short opening chapter of a novel based on one work of art you choose.  Give your novel or your chapter a title. 
  3. Write a short story based on a work of art of your choosing. Give your short story a title.
  4. Write a short story which ends with these words: ‘... and his words confirmed what they had feared all those years ago.’ You will also give this short story a title.

The link for the FROST MUSEUM is HERE!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Periods 2, 5, and 6 - FIELD TRIP!

Don't forget that Friday is our field trip to the Frost Art Museum and Wynwood Walls!  Be sure to bring in your $3 and form tomorrow if you have not turned it in yet. (Fifth period, our secretaries will collect the $ tomorrow in class.) 

On Friday, we will leave at 8:30 a.m.  We will meet in the rotunda at that time.  There will be no announcement; however, we will email the teachers a list tomorrow.   When you get down there, there will be three buses that are organized by period.  Look for your period number on the bus and wait for us. 

Remember to dress up!  Girls, you cannot bring a big purse...only small bags.  No backpacks are allowed by anyone.   You can bring cameras; however, there are certain exhibits you cannot photograph at the Frost...and flash is NOT allowed at any time.  Wynwood Walls is a different story - you can photograph your hearts out there! 

We will supply paper and pencils (no pens are allowed) for your project, so you do not need supplies.

See you then!  We are so excited to be on this journey with you!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Help Us Support a RoGo Racer!

One of our RoGo racers is competing for a scholarship and we would appreciate your assistance in supporting her. 

Please visit this website and vote for Melissa's essay. Thank you!

Monday, April 15, 2013



For Wednesday, you need to read Act V, scenes i, ii, and up to line 235 of scene iii.  Don't forget to read the post below this one for your Reading Plus assignments.

Remember that you need to pay for your field trip on Wednesday - $3.  Period 6, come at the end of lunch so you can pay for your field trip...before we have to go test.

Much love,