Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Homework - ALL CLASSES

PERIODS 2, 5, and 6: 
You are going to create more sentences with your vocab words for your HW.  Woohoo!   Before you do, however, please read below:

Good news - On the right of the blog (under the graphic of the novel), there is a link that will take you to the definitions we'll use for the exam.  In the future, we will post the definitions ahead of time so we'll have common meanings.  They will all be posted in the same spot for easy access later.  Sorry...BAD C-ROD!

OK, so based on what you learned in class today, you will create five simple sentences, five compound, five complex, and four compound-complex using your vocab words.  Do not repeat words, be sure to label your sentences, and underline your vocab words.  Don't forget your context clues. Do it on your own paper...not in your journal.  :)

Periods 2 & 6, this is due on Thursday; Period 5, this is due on Friday :)

PERIODS 3 & 4:
Using the link, you are going to create TWO mini-booklets for a parts of speech and sentence structure review:

In ONE booklet, you are going to arrange it like the one provided at this link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7vANNZKV7HcSGdiNDBmcV9EWXM/edit

We know that it says PART 2, but don't worry.  COPY it by hand AS-IS! 
In the OTHER booklet (which is blank), write nothing.  You are going to bring this to class, and we will do PART 1 together!

Period 4, this is due on Thursday; Period 3, this is due on Friday :)

ALL CLASSES: REMEMBER TO SIGN-UP TO FOLLOW US.  Enter your email at the top of the right-hand column, and you will receive an notification anytime we post something new to the blog!


  1. Should we write our sentences in our vocab notebook or on a loose leaf?

    1. Hey, mama! You need to write them on loose-leaf paper. Remember that your vocab journal is for definitions only (for our class and the Words of the Day). Love you and see ya tomorrow! :)

  2. By two mini booklets you mean the one we started in class and the one for hw. or two completely different ones. sincerely trying to finish it today. because i have practice tomorrow. please.

    1. There are two: the one you'll do (or already did) in class and the one (Part 2) you have to do for HW :-)

  3. Ok that's what was confusing me. Thankyou

  4. Thank you.*

    Sincerely, someone is trying to finish it today because I have practice tomorrow.*

    ~ From your local Grammar Nazi.

  5. Sincerely what? I am confused? Since I don't know the period you're in, I cannot help you. Check the blog :) I am posting some new items tonight.

    See ya :)
