Thursday, January 24, 2013

Julius Caesar and TEWWG Celebrations

Periods 3 & 4 - We are doing our CAESAR CELEBRATION/TOGA PARTY this Monday (3rd period) and Tuesday (4th period)!  This is your final reminder.  If you signed up to bring in $3 for Caesar's Zealous Ziti, give it to me before you leave tomorrow.  If not, you can bring it the day of your period's party. 

Periods 2, 5, and 6 - We're going to have a celebration to bring TEWWG to a close.  Let's go with Southern-style food.  Refer to the novel for some ideas.  We will have our Zora celebration on Wednesday and Thursday next week.  We will have sign ups in class this week and next!


  1. wasen't our Toga party tomorrow as we planned ?

  2. We need to spend time working with the interims tomorrow, so Tuesday will be better. Let your friends know, please. :0)

    No more postponements!! :0)

  3. Yes! Check the calendar on!

  4. I can either take Portia's Psychotic Pastelitos or Cassius's Cowardly Cake. I'm not too sure which one of the two I can take.
    ~Daniel Chaviano, Period 3

  5. I'll take Portia's Psychotic Pastelitos if you need, Daniel. I'll also do Casca's Cunning Croquetas, if appropriate.

  6. Do we still bring the toga?
