Thursday, April 11, 2013

Important Information for All

The Superstar Scramble was a success!  Thank you all for your participation, cooperation, and diligence!  We love you all, and we especially enjoy seeing our stars shining brightly.  ☺
Having said that, here is an important update:  ALL CLASSES MUST COMPLETE 4 SESSIONS OF READING PLUS BY TUESDAY, 4/16.  You can all thank those who participated in the Superstar Scramble for our leniency, because most classes were told to complete 8--some as many as 12!  While some of you may be rolling your eyes, sucking your teeth, or even pounding your fists, there is no need.  Take a deep breath and be thankful.  If either of us has to threaten any class with additional sessions of Reading Plus after today, the consequences will be far worse!  Don't make us have to fulfill that promise. 

  • Periods 2 and 6 need to finish Act IV of Richard III; Period 5 needs to read Act V, scenes i and ii.
  • Periods 3 and 4 will be taking the FCAT Reading on Wednesday AND Thursday during last block (it's a two-session test). Make sure you buy some healthy lunch items this weekend for those days.
Again, we love you.  Remember: we have mountains to climb and we need your cooperation and hard all times.

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