Saturday, September 15, 2012

HW-All Classes

All Classes: Your vocab journals should have your words and definitions for Units 1 and 2.  BRING YOUR JOURNALS TO CLASS DAILY :)   EL should also have their summer words in there.  Being the loving and caring teachers we are, we are letting you know that there will be some type of pop-quiz this week on your words and/or a journal check.  You will be able to use your journals for your pop-quizzes, which is why you need to bringing them daily...not just this week, but ALL weeks!

We also encourage you to share your comments, findings, and/or questions about your novels.  We will create two threads under the Comments link below.  Reply to your respective novel :)

General Paper:  You are reading Chapters 1-4 of Breaking Dawn, annotating in the margins of your book (or on post-it notes), and completing your bookmark.  Be prepared for an assessment on Tuesday/Wednesday.

English Language:  You are reading Chapter 2 of Chronicle of a Death Foretold.  You do not have a bookmark, but you should be annotating in the margins (or on post-it notes).  You will have an assessment on Chapters 1 & 2 Tuesday/Wednesday. 

I've been reading this morning, and I (C-Rod) am getting my characters all mixed up.  I plan on making a chart to show the characters and their relation to each other (like we did with Breaking Dawn last year).  Once I do it, I will be more than happy to share check back in this weekend if this is something that will help you.

You also have to create a vocab chart for your Unit 2 vocab.    Click on the EL VOCAB UNIT 2 link in the AICE EL column to the right of this post.   You are going to create a handwritten chart with five columns labeled: word, phonetic pronunciation (an example: fo-net-ik  pro-nun-see-ay-shun...not the way dictionaries do the pronunciation), definition, synonyms (you will need two synonyms per word), and antonym.   Create a row for each of your vocab words (you do not have to do this for the roots/prefixes).

All Classes Again:  Know that we love you and miss you already.  We're looking forward to our time in the classroom again next week.  In the meantime, read, relax, and and enjoy your families.  LOVE YOU :)


  1. If you want to leave comments, finding, or questions about Breaking Dawn, please do so here. Just hit REPLY :)

    1. Though I have read this book several times, I am still fascinated by Meyer's chapter titles. It's amazing how she uses one word to depict the entire chapter. As you read, think about why she named the chapter a certain way. :) Enjoy. Love and miss you all!

  2. If you would like to leave comments, findings, or questions about Chronicle of a Death Foretold, you will do that here by clicking REPLY.

    1. Bayardo reminds me of a mix between two characters in The Great Gatsby: Gastby and Tom. When you read the novel later this year, you will really appreciate this. (I'm telling you now to intrigue you.)

      Bayardo is like Gatsby in that he's rich, throws a mean party, can charm almost anyone, and has a surreptitious background. Both are known by the public, but few (if any) know their real purpose for being in that town, and few know how they became wealthy.

      The difference is, I actually like Gatsby; Bayardo makes my stomach turn (which is why he also reminds me of Tom Buchanan). Bayardo is a schmuck through and through. Like Tom, he uses his money to buy people, he's angry, rough, sneaky, and not very respectful of women (the part I dislike the most).

      OK, love you!

  3. Hi I just wanted to know if we just have to put our vocab words on our journals or in our journals and binders????

    1. Go back and read the directions :) You should also think back to what I said in class because I explained it there :) I will tell you this - your vocab chart does NOT go in your journal :)

      Smile :)

  4. Thanks for posting the hw up here :3
