Saturday, April 27, 2013


Thank you to the SEVEN juniors who showed up for tutoring this morning.  I bought bagels for 26, but we only had SEVEN!  However, those SEVEN knocked my socks off with their writing!  I am VERY PROUD of Kellen, Ramsey, Jessica R., Jessica M., Tatyana, Angel P. (Mafisto...LOL!), and Brenda.  First, thank you for showing up - that's the hard part!  Secondly, thank you for giving a 100% in your writing...especially Kellen who brought me to tears!  You SEVEN made my weekend! 

We will have tutoring next weekend, but you will be playing the role of both student and teacher.  We will keep you posted.  What I can tell you now is, there will not be breakfast or extra credit next time around.

It has also come to our understanding that many of you did not remember about Friday's Great Gatsby meeting at lunch.  It's amazing that 75 signed up, but only 20 showed.  INTERESTING...MAYBE WE'RE HAVING A PARADIGM SHIFT HERE.  I can tell you that WE don't like it, and our focus will be on the ONES WHO CARE, WHO HAVE THEIR EYES ON THE FINISH LINE, AND WHO AREN'T LETTING OFF THE PEDAL!  Many of you have seem to have forgotten the whole "What Would Denny Do?" concept!

With that said, if you were one of the forgetful ones and still want in, you MUST show up to the next meeting on Tuesday and bring in a character analysis chart for Nick, Daisy, Tom, Ms. Wilson, Gatsby.   Column 1 - character name; column 2 - a couple terms you would use to describe the character; column 3 - the words or phrases Nick uses to describe these characters that confirm your choice(s) in column 2.  We will not accept a SINGLE EXCUSE from here on out.  You're not there, too field trip for you!

Have a great weekend...AND GET YOUR MINDS RIGHT.  If this is how it's going to be teaching seniors, we will pass you along to another teacher's care.  Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. 

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